Missing Classmates

If you know where these Classmates are please share our web address with them:
If you know the email address for any Classmate below you can click on the Classmate's name to quickly send an email invitation to our site.

James Alfred
SyLvia Allen (Allen-Ouzts)
Daisy Anderson
Betty Barnes
Horace Bates
Maxine Benjamin (Anderson)
Jeanette Boatwright
Betty Bookert
David Bookert
James Boyd
Seretha Boyles
Dorothy Bright (Edwards)
Margaret Brooks (Pruitt)
Alma Brown
Barbara Brown
Heyward Brown
Henry Burden
Betty Burrough
Beverly Cain
Annie Mae Caldwell
Nathaniel Calloway
Willie Calloway
Cynthia Cannon (Mahoney)
Charles Coleman
Joseph Darley
Billy Davis
Oscar Davis
Larry(Earl) Dreher
Annette Eichelberg (Frazer)
Charles Eicheleberger
Margaree Fairnot
Leory Felder
Holton Fleming
Ethel Gaffney (Salley)
Alfred Gallman
Herbert Garrett
Mamie Gray
Algeretha Green
Barbara Greene
Delores Greene (Bookert)
Deloris Griffin (Runnals)
Virginia Hall
Jacquline Harris (Sims)
Martha Harris
Alphonso Haynes
Jesse Haynes
Ernestine Henderson (Avezedo)
Deloris Hill
Thomas Hill
Emma Hingleton
Almenia Hollins
Janie Hollis (Caughman)
Michael Hollis
Dorothy Holman
Idella Israel
Cynthia Jacobs
Bernice Johnson (Phelphs)
Danny Jones
Doris Jumper (Jones)
Gloria Kenndy (Eargel)
Barbara Lake
Elaine Land (Leay)
Eva Land (Hannon)
Thomasina Long (Bell)
Beverly Love (Washington)
Catherine McBride
Andrea McCarthy (Williamson)
Mary McCoy
Camellia McKie
James McNeal
Helen Merkerson
Willie Mickens
Deborah Mickle (McNeal)
Leola Miles (Hurt)
Viola Miles (Wilson)
Willie Milhouse
Earline Miller
Marie Mitchell
Terry Mitchell
Diane Moore (Sutton)
Norman Moore
James Morgan
Linda Murphy (Jenkins)
Leola Myers
Sarah Myers
Sarah Myers (West)
Vivian Myers
Katherine Nesbitt (Wright)
Rudine Nesbitt
Alonzenia Noble (Garrett)
Willie Ott
Larry Parks
Sammie Parks
Thelma Patterson
Wyline Portee (Adams)
Vivian Pratt (Tucker)
John Preston
Joyce Randolph
Patricia Rearden (Lloyd)
Susie Richardson (Haynes)
Mary Rivers (Geiger)
Helen Robertson
Emma Robinson
Jesse Robinson
Wilson Rorie
Melvin Ruff (Lewis)
Willadine Rush (Norman)
Dorothy Satterwhite
John Scott
Ollie Scott (Murray)
Xavier Scott
Deloris Simmons
Aletha Smith (Rawlingson)
Emma Solomon (Dorn)
Mack Spencer
Barbara Stokes
Alva Taylor (Brown)
John Taylor
Delores Tillman
Clarence Truesdale
Rinder Truesdale (McCrea)
Josephine Tucker
Willie Tyler
Delores Waites (Furgess)
Alexis Walker (Bolden, Jr)
Tonya Walters
Harold Weston
Avery Wheeler
Tommie Whetstone
Sidney White
Henry Williams
Yvonne Williams
Robert Wilson
Rosa Wolfe (Montgomery)
Rosa Wolfe
Anthony Woods
Robert Lee Wright
Almenia Yarborough
Naomi Young
